

  • Dong-Yoon Shin receives the Engineering Innovator Award of the fall semester of 2021
  • 관리자 |
  • 2022-04-05 13:44:15|
  • 401
Shin Dong-yoon, a student of aerospace engineering, was selected as the winner of the Engineering Innovator at the engineering college in the fall semester of 2021. Engineering Innovator is an award given to students who have achieved creative results through non-academic activities such as thesis, start-up, exhibition, and invention among bachelor's students. During his time as an undergraduate student, Mr. Dong-yoon Shin founded Perigee Aerospace Inc. to develop and commercialize private space launch vehicles, and is currently working with dozens of master and doctorate engineers on innovative technologies for small-sized launch vehicles. Last year, the company designed and launched a rocket to commemorate the 50th anniversary of KAIST.
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