Major research outcome

Major research outcome

  • Ph.D. Candidate Sanghun Kim and Professor Eunji Jun, A second-order particle Fokker-Planck model for rarefied gas flows
  • 관리자 |
  • 2024-08-20 14:02:25|
  • 94
The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is a particle-based simulation technique for rarefied gas dynamics. However, for the DSMC method to be valid, the cell size must be smaller than the mean free path of the molecules, and the time step must be smaller than the mean collision time of the molecules. Therefore, as the density increases, the computational cost of the DSMC method increases exponentially. To enable efficient particle simulations at high densities, the Fokker-Planck (FP) method has been studied. The FP method models the intermolecular interactions as Brownian dynamics.
Recently, Ph.D. student Sanghun Kim and Professor Eunji Jun have studied to develop a second-order FP model that improves convergence behavior in space and time. The model is named the USP-ESFP model, which includes two main improvements over the conventional FP model. First, a new time integration technique is devised to enhance time accuracy. Second, a first-order spatial interpolation technique is applied to improve spatial accuracy. The related paper has been published in Computer Physics Communications (CPC), volume 304, in 2024. The CPC journal is a reputed journal that covers numerical modeling and implementation (IF: 7.2, JCR top 0.8%).

Figure: Temperature contours around a cylinder using DSMC and USP-ESFP: (a) Kn = 0.01 and (b) Kn = 0.002.
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