Total : 281
Hwun Park, PD of the Korea Eva... 2023-03-15
FCT Team of US DoD Visited AE ... 2023-03-13
Opening Ceremony of Heterogene... 2023-03-13
2023.3.9., Director of Space, ... 2023-03-13
Prof. Chang-Hun Lee, KAIST Bre... 2023-03-07
Dr. Jong-Seob Han appointed as... 2023-03-07
2023.2.17., 2023 Department of... 2023-02-27
Conversation with Space Econom... 2023-02-24
2023.02.14, KAIST AE-KAI Techn... 2023-02-22
2023 AE Winter Workshop 2023-02-20
2022 Fall Semester Excellent L... 2023-02-20
2023.01.24 Professor Hyosang Y... 2023-02-13
Prof. Han-Lim Choi to serve as... 2023-01-31
Prof. Jae-Hung Han inaugurated... 2023-01-26
Prof. Jae-Hung Han serves as v... 2023-01-26
IAB Industry Advisory Board he... 2023-01-26
Prof. Han-Lim Choi to serve as... 2023-01-09
Prof. Hyosang Yoon Leads GBSAT... 2022-12-29