Department notice

Department notice

Total : 36
번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
공지 Notice for fist-half AE Co-op internship 관리자 2021-11-11 332
공지 Submission Schedule and Preparation Tips of Master's and Doctoral Thesis for Students Expected to Graduate in Aug. 2022 or Feb. 2023. 관리자 2022-04-11 484
공지 2024 Spring Semester Timetable 관리자 2024-03-12 117
16 New Faculty Opening (AE_22.2) 관리자 2022-10-31 309
15 Information on the admission information session for the Department of Aerospace Engineering in the fall semester of 2022 관리자 2022-06-17 235
14 New Faculty Opening of KAIST AE 관리자 2022-06-16 294
13   Announcement of Boeing HEIDI GRANT President's Visit a talkfest(6/15, 14:50 ~ ) 관리자 2022-06-02 227
12 AE Entering Students Orientation and Hong Chang-sun Scholarship Award Ceremony 관리자 2022-03-28 245
11 2022년도 봄학기 AE safety Day 시행(3/10) 관리자 2022-03-11 202
10 ASPIRE League Partnership Seed Fund Call for Proposal 관리자 2022-03-11 301
9 AE Safety Day 관리자 2022-03-07 199
8 KAIST AE Graduate School Admission Information Session 관리자 2022-03-02 199
7 Attach the form of confirmation of degree conferment 관리자 2022-01-18 203
6 Guidelines for Candidate Recommendation: Upright Educator Award 관리자 2022-01-13 202
5 2021.11.29. 2021 Aerospace Engineering Department information session for the freshmen 관리자 2021-11-24 234
4 2021 KAIST Carbon-Neutral Gas Turbine Symposium - 2021.11.17(Wed), 관리자 2021-11-11 211
3 Notice for URP/Individual Study topic - First half of 2022 관리자 2021-11-11 260
2 2021 fall semester ME-AE seminar notice 관리자 2021-11-11 232
1 Notice for garden construction - west side of ME building 관리자 2021-11-11 219