

  • The event to wish for the success of the third launch of Nuri, organized by the Department of AE, concluded successfully.
  • 관리자 |
  • 2023-05-26 14:40:50|
  • 304
On May 25, 2023 (Thu), the group viewing of the third launch of Nuri, organized by the Department of Aerospace Engineering, was successfully held at the building N7 room1601, The group viewing was led by Professor Shin Dong-hyuk from the Department of Aerospace Engineering.
 Participants watched the live broadcast on MBC, which featured commentary from panelists (Professors Ahn Jae-myung and Kwon Se-jin), who provided analysis and insights during the Nuri launch. When the launch succeeded, everyone in attendance celebrated with cheers and applause, sharing a moment of excitement and joy together. This event was not only attended by aerospace engineering students but also by freshmen, non-aerospace engineering students, and faculty members, making it a meaningful occasion for the entire department.
