Major research outcome

Major research outcome

  • Opto-Electro Robotics Lab(Prof. Jung-Ryul Lee), selected as a data science-based next-generation non
  • 관리자 |
  • 2021-11-15 14:26:33|
  • 316

 Obto-Electro Robotics Lab(Prof. Jung-Ryul Lee), selected as "PAUT and RT welds non-destructive evaluation technology development project based on data science", as a national research and development project.
The main content of this project is to build a data center that produces, collects and manages data of various non-destructive inspection techniques, and based on this, develops an AI solution for defect evaluation by inspection
technique. In this project, OERL is in charge of research on the development of AI solutions for defect evaluation in Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing(PAUT) and Radiographic Testing(RT).

In this research, it will be possible to secure quantitative and consistent defect evaluation results by breaking away from the existing method in which defect evaluation varies depending on the experience or skill level of inspectors during PAUT and RT inspection, which leads to improved efficiency and reliability in the manufacturing industry, leading to advance in the high value added manufacturing industry.

Project title: 데이터과학기반 PAUT 및 RT 용접부 비파괴검사 기술개발
Period: 2021.06 ~ 2026.02 (57months)
Total fund: 2,745,000,000원