- Undergraduate student MinSeong Kim, selected as the recipient of the 2022 Young-Han Kim Global Leader Scholarship
- 관리자 |
- 2022-09-14 13:06:55|
- 398
MinSeong Kim, a 3rd year student in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, was selected as a recipient of the 2022 Young-Han Kim Global Leader Scholarship. The Young-Han Kim Global Leader Scholarship is awarded to students after a comprehensive evaluation of their academic excellence, research skills, and leadership qualities. MinSeong Kim participated in the World Friends Korea ICT Volunteer Group and taught Python to students in foreign countries, displaying aspects of a global leader. MinSeong Kim has been granted a Diamond level for the KAIST Leadership Mileage by showing such active participation in extracurricular activities. He has also managed a group study program in our department to provide academic assistance and to promote friendship among students.

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