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  • 2017 미국 NASA Ames Research Center-KAIST 박사후 연구원 모집2017 Postdoctoral Fellowship Jobs at the
  • 관리자 |
  • 2016-10-11 11:40:21|
  • 2191


"세계를 향한 대학, 미래를 여는 연구"

제 목

2017 미국 NASA Ames Research Center-KAIST 박사후 연구원 모집

2017 Postdoctoral Fellowship Jobs at the NASA Ames Research



         KAIST와 NASA Ames Research Center간에 체결된 협력협정에 근거하여 본

 연구소에 파견에 박사후 연구원을 아래와 같이 모집하오니, 각 학과 및 전공에서는

 추천 대상자가 있는 경우 2016년 10월 31일(월)까지 국제협력팀으로 관련 서류를 제출

 하여 주시기 바랍니다.


 =   아     래   =


         1. 모집 개요 (자세한 모집분야 및 지원자격은 첨부파일 참조)

            가. 모집분야 및 지원자격

               1) ROBOTICS

                  - A Ph.D. in Computer Science, Industrial Design, Mechanical

                    Engineering, or Robotics is required. In addition, background

                    in software development, particularly with C++, Java, or

                    Python and Linux, is preferred.


               2) AVIATION SAFETY

                  - A Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science,

                    Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or related

                    field is required. In addition, strong understanding of

                    airspace systems is preferred.


               3) MACHINE LEARNING

                  - A Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering,

                    Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, or related

                    field is required. In addition, strong understanding of

                    machine learning is required.


         2. 주요 일정 및 지원방법

            가. 일정

                1) 관련서류 제출 : 2016년 10월 31일(월)까지


                2) 1st & 2nd 면접 : 2016년 11월 ~ 12월*

                                    *NASA 상황에 따라 기간이 변경될 수 있음*


                3) 결과 : 2016년 12월 中 


                4) 파견 : 2017년


            나. 제출서류 : 2017 KAIST-NASA Application Form(붙임파일), CV,

                          추천서,소프트웨어 개발경험 서술서


            다. 지원방법 : 2016년 10월 31일(월)까지 irt@kaist.ac.kr로 Application

                           Form 제출 후 서명한 관련서류를 국제협력팀으로 협조문




 붙 임: 1. 2017 Notice 1부.

        2. 2017 KAIST-NASA Application Form 1부.

        2. Ames Research Center Overview 1부.  끝.




         Based on the Cooperation Agreement signed between KAIST and NASA Ames

 Center, we are recruiting postdoctoral researchers to be dispatched to the

 center. Each academic department and school is advised to select nominees and

 submit the required documents to the International Relations Team by Monday,

 October 31st, 2016.


 =   Details  =


         1. Recruitment Overview (For detailed disciplines and qualifications,

            please refer to the attached files)

            A. ROBOTICS

              - A Ph.D. in Computer Science, Industrial Design, Mechanical

                Engineering, or Robotics is required. In addition, background in

                software development, particularly with C++, Java, or Python, and

                Linux, is preferred.


            B. AVIATION SAFETY

              - A Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical

                Engineering, or related field is required. In addition, strong

                understanding of airspace systems is preferred.


              - A Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical

                Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, or related field is required.

                In addition, strong understanding of machine learning is



         2. Recruitment Schedule and How to Apply

            A. Schedule

               1) Submission of required documents : By Monday, Oct. 31, 2016.


               2) Interviews : During November ~ December, 2016

                  (The schedule may be subject to change under certain



               3) Results : In December 2016


               4) Dispatch : During the year 2017


            B. Required Documents : 2017 KAIST-NASA Application Form (attached),

               CV, Letter of Recommendation, and Software Development Experience



            C. How to apply : Please submit the completed application form to

               irt@kaist.ac.kr, and send other required documents with the

               cooperation document to the International Relations Team by

               Monday, October, 31st, 2016.



 Attachment : 1. 2017 Notice

              2. 2017 KAIST-NASA Application Form

              3. Ames Research Center Overview.  End.






