

  • Applied Aerothermodynamics Group
  • 관리자 |
  • 2023-07-10 11:10:04|
  • 231
  • Lab.
  • Applied Aerothermodynamics Group
  • P.I.
  • Jo, Sung-Min


Research goal of Applied Aerothermodynamics Group (AAG) is to develop novel computational models and methods to discover unknown physics behind aerothermodynamic environment, such as planetary entry plasmas, high-temperature gas-surface interactions, and radiation-matter interactions. The systems of interest are composed of atoms, molecules, ions, and electrons surrounded by electromagnetic waves to understand the details of energy transfers among them in both micro- and macroscopic scales. Relevant applications typically address:

-    Hypersonic flows with uncertainty quantification
-    Plasma-driven high-speed flow control
-    Plasma-assisted combustion
-    High-performance computing applications

The research by AAG targets applications to a wide range of engineering problems in interdisciplinary, multi-scale, and multi-physics coupled environments.   

Figure 1. Overview of Research at Applied Aerothermodynamics Group

Figure 2. High-level Summary of Individual Research Agenda